It is continuously stitched by going along the bottom sides of the daisies, and then coming back along the top side, using the little junction groove between them.
The daisy size is 8" for the 15 and 6.25" for the 12.
Comparison of Daisy 15 and Daisy 12
Click on pictures to enlarge
Daisy 15
Daisy 15 Quilt by Georgene
Daisy 12
Queen 12 2 sections 82 inches
Q+1/2 12 2+1/2 sects 102 inches
King 12 3 sections 123 inches
Daisy 15
Queen 15 2 sections 84 inches
Q+1/2 15 2+1/2 sects 106 inches
King 15 3 sections 126 inches
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